Basics of Bird Watching

Welcome to the guide of bird watching 

Planning to start but don't have any clue about how to take the first step. No worries, I'll tell you how. Now bird watching can be an expensive hobby it depends on the amount of interest you put in. But if it's your first time, i'll only recommend the necessary stuff which is required to start.
First of all as doctor alone without its instrument can't do much so it is for a birder. For birding the most important instrument is Binoculars, so one must have it. Another important thing is a field guide of birds which is very important in order to identify the birds you spotted. It should always be handy with you. I personally recommed "Birds of Indian Subcontinent by Richard Grimmet."

Spotted Owlets

No matter what all gadgets you take while bird watching, the greatest key to it is having patience. You need to sometimes wait long enough before you spot your first bird. Be very attentive while your in the field, listen to the sounds & calls of birds. Also record your observations, its important for identifying later. The clothing you wear should not be bright, it should be subtle.
Now if your planning to take photos of these winged creatures, it is advisable to start with a basic telephoto lens of focal length 55-250mm.

What all things to pack ?

  • Binoculars
  • Field Guide
  • Camera
  • Tripod (for stable shots)
  • Notepad
  • Insect Repellent 
  • Protein Bar

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